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OT 2023

OT 2023 Review 

OceanTech Expo 2023 (OT 2023) was hosted at Zhoushan Campus, Zhejiang University, May 18-21, 2023. Headed by Zhejiang University's Ocean College, OT, inaugurated in May 2019, is purposely created to provide a unique comprehensive site for live demos, training and exhibits to illustrate a wide range of commercial and research applications for the ocean business communities. China Ocean Technology Conference, marked its sixth edition in 2023, was collocated on Ocean College campus and held concurrently.

In 2023, the Nation’s premier academic forum was jointly organized by Donghai Laboratory and Zhejiang University. Donghai Laboratory, built by Zhoushan Municipal Government, Zhejiang University and The Second Institute of Oceanography, and inaugurated in May 2022, focuses on the research of marine environment perception, marine power system and marine green resources.

Joining the surfs of China’s innovations drive for its industries, OT 2023 staged anew, as extensions to OceanTech Expo, All-Ocean Renewable Energy Expo to reflect the world’s quest to realize the economies of blue harvest, Frontier Technology Expo to bridge innovators with projects and funding, speeding up the process to industrialize and commercialize emerging technologies, and OT 2023’s online component to broaden the expo’s marketing penetration for exhibitors. These launches yielded a record-breaking and successful OT 2023!

  • OceanTech 2023 recorded 5000 visits – with leaders from industry, science, research, and government from 23 provinces and municipalities across China;

  • OceanTech 2023 brought on its floor the trading atmosphere, evident by a broadened range of equipment and new products in its showcase and enthusiastic interactions between exhibitors and visitors

  • OceanTech 2023 was encouraged by happy exhibitors, with more than 67% companies expressing intention to participate at OceanTech 2025, some of whom applied for bigger space.

OT 2023 witnessed breakthroughs in highly automated and intelligent technologies that are leaping into the global blue harvest economy, and are applied in various aspects of the industry:

·  Offshore operation platform technology for offshore wind power, tidal energy, wave energy, hydrogen energy and other renewable energy, and traditional energy production

·  Port and coastal engineering and river system integration

·  Ocean fishing and fish farming,

·  Water depth data collection, surveying, mapping and analytics

·  Satellite ocean remote sensing, unmanned aerial vehicles

·  Surface, underwater and submarine unmanned vehicles

·  Smart connected ocean

OT 2021

OT 2021 Review

OceanTech Program 2021 (OT 2021) pulls  Over 1,000 delegates surfed challenging waves of ocean technology in person at OceanTech Program 2021 in Zhoushan, China May 19-21, 2021

Delegates were challenged by the Exhibit Hall, Live and Remote Demonstrations and Seminars, OceanTech Talent Club and Career Sharing in addition to the China Ocean Technology Conference.

This year’s sessions, including Live and remote demonstrations, were accessible to remote viewers globally through Zhejiang University’s digital network.

The 5th China Ocean Technology Conference presented challenging waves with Invited Speakers covering key topics in ocean technology and engineering, The Conference then broke into sessions with over 90 additional presentations.

The full Exhibit Hall had 59 exhibitors representing manufacturers and agents showcasing international and domestic origin ocean technology products along with displays from universities, research institutions and State Key Laboratories.

OT 2021 also premiered the “China OceanTech Roundtable”, sponsored by the Society of Maritime Industries, an invitation only event focused on China’s commercial market.

Exhibitors brought onsite their latest developed equipment and technology.

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The 5th China Ocean Technology Conference

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Online & Offline Technical Seminars / Remote Live Demonstration by Sonardyne from (Plymouth, UK)   

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Ocean College, Zhejiang University – host of OT 2021 – showcased 13 of their Ocean Technology R&D projects.

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Invited delegates set out on the Zijingang survey ship for Live Demonstrations of EdgeTech’s 3400 Sub-Bottom Profiling and 4205 Tri-Frequency / Motion Tolerant Side Scan Sonar conducted by Laurel Technologies in the waters around Zhoushan.   

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Career Sharing

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OT 2019

OT 2019 Review

"Slam-dunk" OT 2019 Program conducted live in Zhejiang University Zhoushan Campus on May 16-18, 2019.

Spearheaded by Zhejiang University’s Ocean College, OT Program is an International showcase of the latest know-how & live demos conceived and realized by China's Ocean Community. Zhejiang University is consistently ranked among China’s top three institutions. 

Over 600 leading Ocean Science and Technology experts from universities, institutes, government agencies and companies meet in Zhoushan to attend the 4th China Ocean Technology Conference in 2019.

Talks from Sea Bird, EdgeTech and TDRI on their latest technology also made integral parts of OT 2019.

The 4th China Ocean Technology Conference

Oceanographers from around the nation were brought on board the Zijingang survey ship to view Laurel’s multi-beam survey demos in action, 30 minutes off site near the waters of Zhairuoshan Island Experimental Research Observatory. Zijingang also carried R2Sonic 2024 arrayed with two USVs -- 5.5m and 3m -- each with R2sonic equipment on board.

The campus also opened its newly built Manoeuvring Rotating Arm Tank for other cutting- edge demonstrations.

With simple signing ceremony, OT 2019 established the OT Talent Club, all OT exhibitors are automatically become members, the club aim to serve career development for China’s rising stars, supporting the next generation of marine professionals.  

With simple signing ceremony, OT 2019 established the OT Talent Club, all OT exhibitors are automatically become members, the club aim to serve career development for China’s rising stars, supporting the next generation of marine professionals.  

Exhibitors brought onsite their latest developed equipment and technology.

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